The Occult Roots of Science Isaac Newton • The Secret Mission of Freemasonry • Elias Ashmole and the Chain of Transmission • What Really Happens in Alchemy
- Science used today-based off ancient Egyptians
- Isaac Newton
- was born in Lincolnshire
- He was influenced through school and by his roommate who was an apothecary and very good at alchemy
- 1670- created a theory composed of 3 formulas to describe the mechanics of universe
- Based off the discoveries of Copernicus (1543), Galileo(1590), and Kepler (1609)
- Believed that the secret of life lies inside great monuments like the Pyramids and the Temple of Solomon
- All aspects of life (plants, humans, animals, materials) are connected instead of seperated
- Isaac Luria “There is nothing in the world, not even among the silent things such as dust and stones that does not possess a certain life, spiritual nature, a particular planet and its perfect form in the heavens.” (pgs. 444-445)
- The mind cannot directly create matter
- New medium- “sal nitrum”
- Used this to explain how gravity works
- Charles Darwin was said to attend seances
- Secret Mission of Freemasonry
- 19th century scientists wanted to take scientific approach to the occult
- Edison invented the phonograph and then tried creating a radio that would work in the spiritual realm
- Francis Bacon
- Believed in “astrologica sana”
- Receiving magical influence to the spirit
- Had same spiritual beliefs as Newton
- Child-like mindset must be achieved before maturity
- Higher knowledge comes from different states of consciousness
- Freemason roots traced back to Solomon's Temple
- Rosslyn Chapel
- Built by William Sinclair near Edinburgh
- Incorporated bits of Solomon’s temple
- Co-fraternities had an influence on the formations of secret societies
- Originally brotherhoods associated with monasteries
- Modern Freemasonry dated to the seventeenth century.
- Secrecy was originally to hide charity work
- What is alchemy?
- Ancient Egyptian texts document alchemy
- Golden Fleece has alchemical meaning
- Chinese Alchemy
- Not really quest for gold
- Quest for elixir for life/immortality
- Zozimos wrote, “the symbol of the chymic art – gold – comes forth from creation for those who rescue and purify the divine soul chained in the element.”
- Alchemical Symbols
- Sulphur-animal dimension
- Mercury-vegetable dimension
- Salt -material body.
- Dimensions are centered into body parts
- the animal - sex organs
- the vegetable- solar plexus
- the salt - head
- The Sulphur- sexuality
- Mercury- realm of feeling
- Salt - precipitate of thinking.
- Mercury - mediator between Sulphur and Salt.
- Christian alchemy of Ramon Lull and St Martin
- St Martin believes our power of perception will improve if we work on alchemical spiritual
- The Sun-spirit transforms the human body into a body of light
- identified with the historical personage of Jesus Christ.
- shows the alchemical process of the Third Eye opening
- Alchemical Texts, Contributions of Alchemists, and Science
- Alchemical texts suggest visiting the interior of earth
- process of sinking down into one’s body
- Alchemy concerns occult physiology
- Alchemists have made contributions to the growth of modern medicine
- Hallucinogens have been used to achieve higher states of consciousness
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