Chapter Four: “Lucifer, the Light of the World
- Creation has been reenacted in the mystery schools, a drama in three acts
- The first act, The Age of Saturn, portrays Saturn’s oppression of Mother Earth
- The second act, The Age of the Sun, portrays the birth of the Sun and his protection of Mother earth.
- The third act, where the Earth and the Sun separate. As a result, the earth becomes cooler and suitable for Adam and Eve (who are portrayed as flower people) to arrive and populate the Earth.
- The third act is the topic for this chapter. In the climax of this act, a serpent is introduced to the garden of Eden. The serpent is a symbol of the garden of Eden transforming from vegetable life into animal life in the book of Genesis and its interpretations.
- The transition from vegetable life into animal life is supposed to evoke fear and torment into the candidate. They are supposed to experience how Lucifer and his legions infested the world with serpent by falling into a dark pit of snacks. This is known as The Fall and its suffering is thought to be an essential factor in allowing humans to strive and die during their time on Earth.
- Animal life brought sex into the equation along with dissatisfaction, frustration, sorrow and fear. Animal life was a result of the serpent tempting Eve. Most people assume that Satan and Lucifer are the same entity. However, the author refutes this.
- Satan is the agent of materialism and is identified as the god of Saturn in Greek and Roman mythology. Lucifer is considered the Morning star and is identified with the planet Venus. As Venus, Lucifer is bound to animal desire and sexuality. The apple which tempts Eve, given to her by the serpent, is also associated with animal desire and sexuality. Therefor it was a gift from Lucifer and not Satan.
- Lucifer is a necessary evil because without his intervention as the serpent, the Earth would have never transitioned from vegetable life into animal life and therefor humans would have never existed.
- Lucifer is seen as the serpent because Venus has been envisioned with serpents in the past.
- As Lucifer fell, a great emerald dropped from his forehead. This is seen as the brow chakra and the lack thereof a third eye in humanity. The third eye is the center of perception and command and signifies everyday awareness.
- Venus and or Lucifer’s influence leads to a difficulty of understanding life, which is appropriate due to the loss of the third eye.
- The process of trying to understand life allows humans to be creative, free, brave, loving, and flawed. This is a direct result of the influence of Lucifer.
- Venus is pictured with a mirror that symbolizes reflection to modify desire. Human nature is saved by the ability to resist animal desires, which prevents us from becoming fully animal. This is a result of our capacity for thought and reflection.
- In order to keep the sun (Satan) from making the Earth a living Hell, the God of the moon was created to reflect the light of the sun onto Earth. The moon also keeps Venus/Lucifer in check.
- The first three epochs of the cosmos, the mineral, vegetable and animal era have become the first three days of the week Saturn-day, Sun-day and Moon-day.
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