Thursday, April 9, 2020

Tarot Spreads - Astrological

Astrological Spreads

astrological spreadThe astrological tarot spread uses 12 cards placing one card in each position around the circle like a clock.This layout is designed to provide an overview of the next 12 months. The first month is the current month, or if you are close to the end of the month, month one can be the following month. An optional 13th card can be placed in the center of the circle to represent the tone for the whole year.
Because there are 78 cards in a tarot deck, you can create the circle six complete times, with six center cards. The more times you go around the circle, the more information you will obtain.
Each card represents one of the houses of astrology, as follows:
  1. The Self – how others see the querent
  2. Financial values – money, possessions, and earning power
  3. Travel and communication – daily activities
  4. Home Life – siblings, family, parents, children
  5. Pleasure – Romance, love, holidays, creativity, self expression
  6. Work and Health – both emotional and physical
  7. Partnerships and Marriage – personal and professional, legal matters
  8. Beginnings and Endings – birth, death, sex, other people’s money, inheritance
  9. Philosophy, education, dreams, long distance travel
  10. Career – fame, reputation
  11. Friends, hopes, wishes
  12. Burdens – restrictions, dangers, subconscious, secret fears.


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