waxing and at this moment light defeats the dark. The natural world is coming alive,
The gentle whispered promise of Imbolc is fulfilled in the evident and abundant fertility
of the Earth at Ostara. It is time for the hopes of Imbolc to become action. The energy
is expansive and exuberant. It is the first day of Spring!
Ostara takes its name after the Germanic goddess, Eostre/Ostara, who was traditionally honoured in the month of April with festivals to celebrate fertility, renewal and re-birth.
It was from Eostre that the Christian celebration of Easter evolved, and indeed
the naming of the hormone Eostrogen, essential to women's fertility. The Goddess
Ostara has the shoulders and head of a hare. The Symbols of Ostara are:
It was from Eostre that the Christian celebration of Easter evolved, and indeed
the naming of the hormone Eostrogen, essential to women's fertility. The Goddess
Ostara has the shoulders and head of a hare. The Symbols of Ostara are:
The Hare/Easter Bunny

animal of lunar goddesses such as Hecate, Freyja and Holda - the hare is a symbol for the moon.
The Goddess most closely associated with the Hare is Eostre, or
Ostara. The date of the Christian Easter is determined by the
phase of the moon.
Ostara. The date of the Christian Easter is determined by the
phase of the moon.
The nocturnal hare, so closely associated with the moon
which dies every morning and is resurrected every evening,
also represents the rebirth of nature in Spring. Both the moon
and the hare were believed to die daily in order to be reborn -
thus the Hare is a symbol of immortality.
which dies every morning and is resurrected every evening,
also represents the rebirth of nature in Spring. Both the moon
and the hare were believed to die daily in order to be reborn -
thus the Hare is a symbol of immortality.
It is also a major symbol for fertility and abundance as the hare can conceive while
pregnant. Over the centuries the symbol of the Hare at Ostara has become the
Easter Bunny who brings eggs to children on Easter morning, the Christian
day of rebirth and resurrection. Hare hunting was taboo but because the date of
Easter is determined by the Moon together with the Hare's strong lunar associations,
hare-hunting was a common Easter activity in England (and also at Beltane).
pregnant. Over the centuries the symbol of the Hare at Ostara has become the
Easter Bunny who brings eggs to children on Easter morning, the Christian
day of rebirth and resurrection. Hare hunting was taboo but because the date of
Easter is determined by the Moon together with the Hare's strong lunar associations,
hare-hunting was a common Easter activity in England (and also at Beltane).
And The Egg
The egg (and all seeds) contains 'all potential', full of promise and new life.
It symbolises the rebirth of nature, the fertility of the Earth and all creation.
In many traditions the egg is a symbol for the whole universe. The 'cosmic' egg
contains a balance of male and female, light and dark, in the egg yolk and egg white.
The golden orb of the yolk represents the Sun God enfolded by the White Goddess,
perfect balance, so it is particularly appropriate to Ostara and the Spring
Equinox when all is in balance for just a moment, although the underlying energy
is one of growth and expansion.
It symbolises the rebirth of nature, the fertility of the Earth and all creation.
In many traditions the egg is a symbol for the whole universe. The 'cosmic' egg
contains a balance of male and female, light and dark, in the egg yolk and egg white.
The golden orb of the yolk represents the Sun God enfolded by the White Goddess,
perfect balance, so it is particularly appropriate to Ostara and the Spring
Equinox when all is in balance for just a moment, although the underlying energy
is one of growth and expansion.

The Hot Cross Bun!

If you are weary of Hot Cross Bun's
this might renew your taste buds.
Think of it as a Celtic Cross,
the four equal armed cross of
balance within the circle. You have two
Equinoxes crossed by the two Solstices,
the four seasons, the four Sacred
Directions of North, East, South and West and the five
elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water with Spirit at the
Centre. The circumference represents the cycle of the year,
the circle of life, with the still point of balance at its centre.
this might renew your taste buds.
Think of it as a Celtic Cross,
the four equal armed cross of
balance within the circle. You have two
Equinoxes crossed by the two Solstices,
the four seasons, the four Sacred
Directions of North, East, South and West and the five
elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water with Spirit at the
Centre. The circumference represents the cycle of the year,
the circle of life, with the still point of balance at its centre.
The Serpent/Dragon
In some mythologies the goddess Eostre/Ostara is associated with serpent or dragon energy.
At this point in the year the serpent or Kundalini energy is positively exploding!
At this point in the year the serpent or Kundalini energy is positively exploding!
All Spring Flowers
Daffodils, primroses, violets, crocuses, celendine, catkins, pussy willow in profusion.
Ostara Colours
Bright green, yellow and purple
Ideas for your Altar
Coloured eggs, seeds, feathers, all spring flowers, green, yellow and purple, all foliage that is sprouting into leaf.
There are endless traditions surrounding eggs at Ostara, so here are just a few suggestions!
We are awash with chocolate eggs nowadays - if you have children don't forget the Egg
Hunt in the garden, painting boiled eggs and writing wishes on them,
filling egg shells with confetti and breaking them on everyone's head.
We are awash with chocolate eggs nowadays - if you have children don't forget the Egg
Hunt in the garden, painting boiled eggs and writing wishes on them,
filling egg shells with confetti and breaking them on everyone's head.
Bury a raw egg by the entrance to your home to ensure abundance for the
forthcoming year and fertility in your garden.
forthcoming year and fertility in your garden.
Ostara Bread
You will need:
3 mugs strong white flour
500 mls buttermilk
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
3 teaspoons ground almonds (optional)
3 tablespoons golden syrup
juice of 2 lemons
1 small beaten egg for glazing
soft brown sugar for sprinkling
500 mls buttermilk
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
3 teaspoons ground almonds (optional)
3 tablespoons golden syrup
juice of 2 lemons
1 small beaten egg for glazing
soft brown sugar for sprinkling
Blend the ground almonds and flour together in a large bowl. Make a well in
the centre and pour in the buttermilk/lemon juice and golden syrup. Now for the
messy bit - mix together with a wooden spoon or with your hands - whichever you prefer.
As you do so think of the emerging life we celebrate at this time and add the hopes,
ideas and wishes you have for the year to come. Repeat three times:
the centre and pour in the buttermilk/lemon juice and golden syrup. Now for the
messy bit - mix together with a wooden spoon or with your hands - whichever you prefer.
As you do so think of the emerging life we celebrate at this time and add the hopes,
ideas and wishes you have for the year to come. Repeat three times:
'Out of Earth toward the Light, New Beginnings taking Flight...'
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and pat into a circle. With a
sharp knife lightly score the bread into two halves to represent the Equinox.
Glaze with beaten egg and sprinkle sugar over the top. Bake in a moderate
oven for about 20-25 minutes. When sharing this bread with friends or family
you can invite them to add their oen wishes to the loaf before it is divided up
for all to share. Brightest
sharp knife lightly score the bread into two halves to represent the Equinox.
Glaze with beaten egg and sprinkle sugar over the top. Bake in a moderate
oven for about 20-25 minutes. When sharing this bread with friends or family
you can invite them to add their oen wishes to the loaf before it is divided up
for all to share. Brightest
Trees of Ostara
As Birch is one of the first trees to come into leaf it is an obvious choice as
representing the emergence of Spring. Deities associated with Birch are mostly
love and fertility goddesses. Eostre/Ostara, the Celtic goddess of Spring was
celebrated in festivities and dancing around and through the birch tree between
the Spring Equinox and Beltane. In the Ogham Alphabet, Birch riles from
December 24th-January20th. Birch twigs were traditionally used to make
besoms (a new broom sweeps clean). It signifies a new start, beginnings and birth.
representing the emergence of Spring. Deities associated with Birch are mostly
love and fertility goddesses. Eostre/Ostara, the Celtic goddess of Spring was
celebrated in festivities and dancing around and through the birch tree between
the Spring Equinox and Beltane. In the Ogham Alphabet, Birch riles from
December 24th-January20th. Birch twigs were traditionally used to make
besoms (a new broom sweeps clean). It signifies a new start, beginnings and birth.
In the Ogham Alphabet, Ash rules from February 18-March17. In Norse mythology
the Yggdrasil, the world tree, was an Ash. Odin hung from it to obtain enlightenment
and the secret of the runes. The spear of Odin was made from the branch of this tree.
This is one of three trees sacred to the druids (Ash, Oak and Thorn). The cosmic tree,
Yggdrasil was the Ash which links the world of men with the realms of spirit and myth,
and imparted understanding of the interconnection of all things. Two springs flow
from its roots, the sources of Wisdom and of Fate. Ash teaches that all life is interconnected
on all levels of existence - past, present and future, spiritual, mental and physical.
Whatever happens on one level, happens on all levels. Your thoughts and actions
and whatever you do in the physical world will affect all levels of your being.
the Yggdrasil, the world tree, was an Ash. Odin hung from it to obtain enlightenment
and the secret of the runes. The spear of Odin was made from the branch of this tree.
This is one of three trees sacred to the druids (Ash, Oak and Thorn). The cosmic tree,
Yggdrasil was the Ash which links the world of men with the realms of spirit and myth,
and imparted understanding of the interconnection of all things. Two springs flow
from its roots, the sources of Wisdom and of Fate. Ash teaches that all life is interconnected
on all levels of existence - past, present and future, spiritual, mental and physical.
Whatever happens on one level, happens on all levels. Your thoughts and actions
and whatever you do in the physical world will affect all levels of your being.
In the Ogham Alphabet Alder rules from March 18-April 14. At this time of the Spring
Equinox, the Alder is flourishing on riverbanks, its roots in the water, bridging and
holding the magical space between both heaven and earth, holding the space
between worlds. It is sacred to Bran who laid himself down for his men to use as
a bridge to cross the sea.
Equinox, the Alder is flourishing on riverbanks, its roots in the water, bridging and
holding the magical space between both heaven and earth, holding the space
between worlds. It is sacred to Bran who laid himself down for his men to use as
a bridge to cross the sea.
1 comment:
I hope you have a Happy Easter!! <3
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