The Absorption of Will. Valour. Daring, bold and taking risks. Attacking from a defensive position. Steadfast resistance. Tenacity and resilience. Giving no compromise. Dauntless. Boldness. Bravery and courage. Heroism. Audacity. Leaping into the unknown. Brazen and determined. Rivals. Threats. Holding an immovable position. Taking a stand.
Shadow - Cowardice. Timidity, trepidation or weakness. Indecision, hesitancy or resigning. Giving up because of fear or a lack of self-confidence. Ignorance, aggression or bullying. Losing faith or retreating. Lashing out in anger. Submission.
This Crosses You
Manifestation of Will. Pressure or resistance. Perseverance, self-determination and pushing against the current. Diplomacy and responsibility. Facing a daunting task. Trying to do too much. Acquiring someone's workload, debt or responsibility.. Service, self-sacrifice and generosity. Being firm. Taking responsibility for ourselves. Being accountable. Boundaries, limits or rigid security.
Shadow - Oppression. Heavy burdens. Carrying out an unpleasant duty. Doing everything the hard way. Energy blocked or held back. Plans canceled. Self-delusion. Not fulfilling duties and responsibilities. Taking on too much. Malice, injustice or repression.
The Root of the Matter
Introspection and solitude. Searching for answers within. Withdrawing from the world into our own inner depths. Silence. Seeking deeper understanding. Clear discernment, inner clarity and self discipline. Questing for truth, knowledge and deeper wisdom. Offering guidance and wise counsel. Retreat and recuperation.
Shadow - The shadow of The Hermit may be telling us that we have cut ourselves off from a situation or from the external world too much, or that we need to be more involved with people around us. This shadow card can also denote narcissism, bitterness, rigidity or alienation.
The Past
Steady and secure willpower. Enthusiastic. Stimulating. Optimistic. Impulsive. Revitalized. Imaginative. High spirited. Arousing. Exciting. Expectant. Consuming. Instinctive. Lively. Beguiling. Bewitching. Enticing. Carefree. Enriching. Animated. Self assured. Thrilling. Individualistic. Curiosity. Exotic. Delightful. Fanciful. Beautiful. Imaginative. Bounteous.
Shadow - Uninspired. Bored. Indifferent. Uncommitted. Superficial. Faithless. Theatrical. Impetuous. Irrational. Unstable. Insecure. Vulnerable. Dissatisfaction. Vengefulness. Frustration. Self absorbed.
This Crowns You
The Crystallization of Matter. Gain. External increase, inheritance, and increase of riches, either material, emotional, spiritual or intellectual. Financial luck. An increase in affluence and material fulfillment. Security. Satisfaction and well-being. Joy. Love, creativity or fertility. Comfort, refinement and enjoying leisure. Sensuality.
Shadow - Worry. Insufficient resources or a lack of funds. Avarice, deception, covetousness, theft or villainy. Something is holding us back from expansion. Feelings of desolation, drought or lifelessness. Empty plans and promises. Feeling that we are not being sufficiently rewarded for our efforts. A walk in nature will help to balance ourselves.
The Future
The Dying God. Sacrifice. Surrender or submission. Psychic abilities or mysticism. Suspension. Having faith and trust. Seeing things from a new perspective. Visualization. Changing direction through choice or outside influence. Hardship leading to a new awakening. Enlightenment. Wisdom. Fasting or religious devotion. Silence.
Shadow - We may need to sacrifice something to achieve something else we desire. It could be that we have become too rigid or set in our ways. Indicates feelings of defeat, loss or emotional blockages, as well as a loss of self-confidence or self-worth. Psychological problems.
Hopes and Fears
The Essence of Matter. Blessings, a gift or a treasure. Success. Rewards becoming manifest. A firm foundation. Luck in gambling and ventures. Rapid growth. New physical energy. A new job, home or relationship. The possible arrival of a child. Beginnings. Earthly riches, possibly a windfall. Making great gains, a lucrative business or creative project.
Shadow - Feeling insecure, perhaps financially or emotionally. Money worries or a lack of resources may be apparent. Greed. Meanness of spirit. Materialism without the sense of satisfaction. If we base our self-worth on material success, we may be missing valuable truths. Now is the time for greater diligence, planning and hard work.
Family and Friends
Active and dynamic emotion. Intuitive. Mysterious. Intoxicating. Transcendental. Emancipating. Visionary. Liberal. Enlightened. Spiritual. Redemptive. Evocative. Renunciation. Soulful. Merciful. Understanding. Healing. Counselling. Paternal. Self sacrifice. Inner absorption. Dreaming. Poetic. Therapeutic. Empathic. Idealistic. Erogenous. Profound. Illuminated. Graceful.
Shadow - Misunderstanding. Illusion. Self-delusion. Haughty. Irrational. Indolent. Addictive. Chaotic. Idle. Unendurable. Untruthful. Melancholy. Lamenting. Self-pity. Treachery. Insanity.
Dreams and Ideals
Fortune. Fate and destiny. Change and movement. Expansion and momentum. Usually a sign of good luck or a change of fortune. The end and beginning of a cycle. Unexpected gifts or opportunities. Experiencing a break through or turning point. Enterprise. Creativity. Wholeness. Reconciliation and the acceptance of our destiny. Eternal change. Faith, humility and acceptance.
Shadow - We must realign ourselves more with the natural flow of things and find the courage to take the opportunity presented to us. Perhaps we are feeling that events are whirling out of control or things seem out of our hands. We should prepare ourselves by centering ourselves and remembering that the wheel will soon turn in our favor.
What Will Come
The Energy of Matter. Change and Transformation. The power of opposites. Juggling or balancing the situation. Changeability. Fluctuation. Adjustment. Taking a new approach or a new challenge. Reassessment. Upheaval. Revolution. Seeing both sides of an argument. Great changes in life.
Shadow - A revolution or an upheaval which may cause us to feel unstable. These changes can enrich us if we remain flexible. A need to view a situation from a new perspective. Are we trying to counterbalance too many tasks or feelings? Look at the situation in simpler terms. A change for the good that may cause instability or worry.
Posted using Tarot of the Vampyres app for iPhone & iPad,
1 comment:
i can see how this relates to my life thank you !
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