The horoscope spread is a favorite among astrologers. Because the horoscope is a mandala symbolizing the entire life of the individual, the horoscope spread is excellent for a general reading. Starting with the first house of the horoscope lay the cards in a circle, placing one card in each of the twelve houses. Many readers place a final thirteenth card in the center of the wheel as an overall indicator or summation of the entire spread. On the other hand, some readers prefer to start with a central card signifying the core question and then lay out twelve cards in the twelve houses of the horoscope surrounding the central card.
Each card symbolizes matters specific to the house in which it lies. The following list briefly describes the matters each house signifies:
First House: Physical body, Self, sense of identity, personal needs, appearance, health, vitality, the start of an enterprise, mother’s father, father’s mother.
Second House: Money, income, finances, wealth, values, possessions, movable goods, resources.
Third House: Siblings, neighbors, close kin, local travel, short trips, conscious mind, writing, early education, communications, letters, phone calls, examinations, local environment.
Fourth House: Father, elders, home, family, real estate, land, roots, foundations, internal needs, emotional security, the grave.
Fifth House: Children, speculation, risks, hobbies, gambling, games, self-expression, romance, affections, pleasures, creative endeavors, fun, vacations, love affairs.
Sixth House: Illness, work, duty, daily routine, pets, perfection, tedium, drudgery, service, employees, father’s siblings.
Seventh House Spouse: Mate, partners, marriage, committed relationships, contracts, law suits, open enemies, opponents, personal consultants, those on an equal footing with us, father’s father, mother’s mother.
Eighth House: Sex, death, taxes, other people’s money, loans, legacies, goods of the dead, others’ resources, insurance, partner’s money, research, personal transformation, deep understanding, occult interests.
Ninth House: Long distance travel, religion, the law, higher education, philosophy, religion, higher mind, foreign interests, broadcasting, publication, forecasting, spouse’s siblings.
Tenth House: Mother, career, profession, ambition, superiors, governors, success, public standing, reputation, status, society, discipline, structure, destiny.
Eleventh House: Friends, groups, clubs, social activities, societies, advice, detachment, hopes and wishes, humanitarian concerns.
Twelfth House: Solitude, confinement, hospitalization, retreat, sacrifice, hidden matters, secret liaisons, psychological problems, undoing, secrets, meditation, the unconscious, the subconscious mind, mother’s siblings.
Card One: Your identity, personality, disposition
Card Two: Your values, finances, possessions
Card Three: Communications or travel
Card Four: Your home, family, heritage
Card Five: Your creativity, children, romance
Card Six: Your work and health
Card Seven: Your marriage or any other partnerships
Card Eight: Support from others, regeneration
Card Nine: Your education, religion, philosophy
Card Ten: Your profession / career, reputation, social status
Card Eleven: Your friendships, aspirations
Card Twelve: Your fears, sub-conscious, and secrets
Card One: Ares – your leadership role
Card Two: Taurus – your domestic role
Card Three: Gemini – your expressiveness
Card Four: Cancer – your sympathetic or emotional nature
Card Five: Leo – your pride or self-assurance
Card Six: Virgo – your industrious nature
Card Seven: Libra – your cooperative or diplomatic nature
Card Eight: Scorpio – your motivation or determination
Card Nine: Sagittarius – your philosophy or idealism
Card Ten: Capricorn – your resourcefulness
Card Eleven: Aquarius – your intellect
Card Twelve: Pisces – your intuition
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