Monday, April 27, 2020
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Brittany's Spell
Professor Farina
Witches/Create your own Spell
Part One: Reflection
The spell I am creating is made to help get rid of negative energies otherwise known as
“Bad Luck”. The reason why I am creating this spell is that I have my fair share of bad luck and
negative energy surrounding me on a near-constant basis, not all of it is necessarily geared
towards me, nor does it come from me but it influences my life regardless. This spell falls under
the category of a Protection spell. I’m creating this spell to cleanse my aura and protect it against
any negativity coming from others that may influence me. To be more specific, I plan to create a
spell that will act as both a protection spell and provide a cleansing of my aura by shielding me
from negativity. Before I start my spell, I will take paper and write on it my intentions in clear,
concise wording then prop it up near my altar. I don't want to risk leaving any loopholes in my
request otherwise the end result could differ from what I had intended.
Part Two: Practical Magick
For the next part of my spell, I will work on setting up my parameters. It is imperative to
set up ones’ parameters, to help make your spell casting more precise. There are thirteen cycles
of the moon, one every twenty-eight days, and for this specific spell, I have chosen to use the
Waning moon. While the Waxing moon would be good for my spell, to invite good luck into my
life, I found that the Waning moon, which represents discarding and banishing, is better suited
for my intent. It is because of that, and that the time of the Waning moon cycle was upcoming
that it best suits my protection spell. From what I’ve learned, spells can have more than one
meaning and fit into more than one category, but because I am new to this and have never cast a
spell before, I will keep it simple. Meaning I won’t try to cast any complex spells.
❖ Practice-time-7 days
❖ Seed- My focus is to provide a barrier around myself to protect from negative energy.
❖ Harvest- emotion
Material Elements:
❖ There will be a pentagram drawn to represent the five elements.
I plan to use candles made out of Beeswax for this spell because normally candles are
made with Paraffin Wax and unlike Paraffin Wax, Beeswax candles will not pollute the air but
help purify it. I chose to use candles in the colors;
Silver seven-knotch candle - For reflection and spirituality
Black seven-knotch candle - To banish negativity
Pink seven-knotch candle - Emotional healing
Blue seven-knotch candle - Tranquility and Health
White seven-knotch candle - Purity and Healing
Red Salt- to offer heavy protection, and block dark energy.
Table salt- to use for the aura cleansing, blocks all negative/dark energy.
[The salts are also used to sanctify the area I am performing this in.]
Arabic Gum (Can get a pack of it at Walmart for $2-$3)- Purify negativity and evil
Bay- Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength
Cedar- Healing, Purification, Money, Protection
Cinnamon- Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love
Garlic- Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft
Horseradish- Purification, Exorcism
Mint- Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection
Mullein- Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism
Violet- Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing
Wormwood- Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits
Stones Used:
Rose Quartz Stone- Emotional healing
Obsidian- Spiritual protection, acceptance
Black Tourmaline- protection, banishing, security
Jade Elephant- Purity, or purification, and harmony, balance
I decided to use my Jade elephant for my spell. Growing up, I’ve always been told that a
trunk up, on an elephant, represents good luck. I was tempted to use Coconut, but I hate it and I
didn’t want to put something I hate in with a spell focused on banishing negativity which
includes hatred.
Runes I have taken from Elder futhark:
This is the rune; Elhaz, an Elk meaning rune used for protection, best
colored in black or purple.
My Altar is set up on top of the fireplace, which will stay unlit. The surface area of the
fireplace is roughly speaking 2.5 Ft in both length and width. Since I am an air sign, I will be
placing down a thin purple cloth instead of having the altar rest directly on the wooden surface. I
enjoy sewing, so I will sew the pentagram onto the purple cloth so that it rests in the center of my
altar and everything else can be added in around it. The size of the pentagram doesn’t matter so it
will have a moderate size when drawn, or in my case stitched, onto the cloth. I will have a
wooden stand resting in the top middle of the altar’s surface with my rune, Elhaz, painted onto it
in black paint, perhaps outlined in thin lines of purple. I will lay down the Atheme knife on a
small folded piece of cloth directly in front of the wooden stand, to act as a tool to represent
power and keep any summoned spirits in check. Then I will be using the aroma oils for Cypress
and Myrrh. Both are aromas associated with Saturday and Myrrh oil is used to represent healing
and emotional balance in my spell while the Cypress is used for comfort, protection, and healing.
For the prayer of my spell, I will be praying to Isis, otherwise known by many as the
Mother Goddess of Egypt to guide me on my magical journey, and this spell shall begin on
Saturday, ruled by Saturn, and I chose this day since it this is a good day of the week to perform
spells or rituals involving protection. Saturday is also a good day to use Obsidian and Mullein,
and use spells that involve human manipulation. Since I learned that a pentagram and a pentacle
while visibly similar are actually different things, my pentagram will stay the same but I will
have a pentacle tile added to the altar for protection against evil spirits.
The chalice that I used is an old harry potter chalice that I received years ago for the
goblet of fire. It has no writing and no actual Harry Potter logo carved into it, it is roughly the
size of my forearm in length, and light silver color. I filled the Chalice with kosher water that I
had around the house because of Passover and left it outside with all my gemstones/crystals
overnight to absorb the moonlight so that I could use it to cleanse them for my spell. I bought a
second chalice that is also silver in color and I filled it with organic strawberry juice to offer to
Isis during my ritual since the current date lies between Ostara and Beltane. I would have offered
alcohol but I'm not comfortable using alcohol. The wand I am using for my altar is one that I
created roughly three years ago. My sister and I are longtime Harry Potter fans and Fantastic
Beasts and Where to Find Them came out in theaters we were really excited to make our own
wands, we didn’t want to go out and buy a wand but handmake them. So we walked through the
woods behind my house until we both found pieces of wood that stood out to us. We each picked
fallen tree limbs to carve our wands from, we didn’t want to break any off of living trees. My
wand is long but thin and airy, I wrapped the bottom in a black cloth and wood stained the rest of
the wood that was still showing.
Before saying the incantation, make sure the altar is set up with the herbs resting outside
of the pentagram at all five points in smaller separate bowls with two at each point. One candle
will be placed on each point of the star. Then have some more of the used herbs all mixed
together in a medium-sized bowl, placed in the middle of the cloth pentagram. Keep the wooden
stand to the back of the flat surface in the middle, with one chalice (the one used to cleanse my
stones then emptied and cleaned out before also being filled with organic strawberry juice) on
either wise of the stand, the Atheme lays before it and the pentacle title leans against the stand.
The wand is placed on the bottom middle of the flat surface, the opposite side of the Atheme
despite also being an offering for Isis so that it is closest to the south and me.
My Spell:
I ask thee, Isis, mother Goddess of Egypt to watch over me and protect me,
I delve into the arts of magic, I look not for a trick
But for a cleansing of the aura which is my own
From my negative energy which I produce, I wish to atone
Let no other influence sway my belief, let their appearance be only brief
As I slip from their grasp, let their words slide off me like rainwater on glass
Discard the dark and negative energy from my life, now void of strife
keep it away, far away, where they have no say
Castaway the dark energy in the air around me, so mote it be.
I also found this website which leads to a blog/shop for
Witches. It has guides, step-to-steps, and provides the viewer with advice on where to get certain
items. Since I wasn’t entirely sure where to purchase herbs themselves without others thinking I
was trying to do drugs and not have to travel too far, I originally bought different teas and
cooking spices locally. I planned to cut open the tea packets since they have herbs chopped up
inside. However, then I started actively looking for the herbs in stores and found them around the
local area. As explained to us in class, the herbs I use will be taken and rubbed on the candles
from the center out. The Herbs I used were based on the herb list from the blog, and off of other
sources I used to cross-reference all of my facts. I have found that at the dollar store, you can
purchase a 100 pack of tealight candles in various colors if you are not comfortable with using a
seven-knotch candle or do not wish to pay too much for supplies. You can also get various
supplies from Five Below, Shoprite, Spencer’s, Walmart, etc. Over the course of the past two
weeks, I have visited four different garden centers in New Jersey, Joe’s Garden Center, Home
Depot Garden section, Lowe’s Garden section, and McNaughton’s Gardens. All of my listed
herbs are sold at each of these stores, the best part is that you can buy the plants and start
growing the herbs at your house allowing you to use fresh ingredients for spells. Also, if I want
too, I can put all the herbs in a little baggie and then place the stones inside and cover them in the
herbs to make myself a protection sachet I can wear on me at all times.
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Friday, April 17, 2020
Your Celtic Tree Astrology Signs and Meanings

Celtic Tree Astrology: Sign Meanings From The Celtic Ogham
Celtic Tree Astrology According to
Druid and Ogham Properties
Druid and Ogham Properties
Celtic tree astrology is based on the ancient idea that the time of our births is pivotal to the formation of our personality and behavior.
The spiritually savvy Celts, particularly the druids were expert observers. Over time, they recognized that a child born within a certain season would develop certain qualities.
Further, the druids observed patterns in the color and shape of a person’s life according to the motions of the moon (their calendar being based on a lunar year) and the season in which we are born.

December 24 – January 20
If you were born under the energy of the Birch you can be highly driven, and often motivate others they become easily caught in your zeal, drive and ambition. You are always reaching for more, seeking better horizons and obtaining higher aspirations. The Druids attributed this to your time of birth, which is a time of year shrouded by darkness, so consequently you are always stretching out to find the light. Birch signs (just like the tree) are tolerant, tough, and resilient. You are cool-headed and are natural-born rulers, often taking command when a situation calls for leadership. When in touch with your softer side, you also bring beauty in otherwise barren spaces, brightening up a room with you guile, and charming crowds with you quick wit. Celtic tree astrology Birch signs are compatible with Vine signs and Willow signs.
If you liked reading about your Birch Celtic sign, you might also like:
January 21 – February 17
Celtic tree astrology recognizes Rowan signs as the philosophical minds within the zodiac. If you were born under the Rowan energy, you are likely a keen-minded visionary, with high ideals. Your thoughts are original and creative, so much so, that other’s often misunderstand from where you are coming. This sometimes makes you aloof when interacting with others as you feel they wouldn’t understand where you are coming from anyway. Nevertheless, although you may appear to have a cool exterior, you are burning within from your passionate ideals. This inner passion provides inner motivation for you as you make your way through life. You have a natural ability to transform situations and people around you by your mere presence. You are highly influential in a quiet way and others look to you for your unique perspectives. Rowan pairs well with Ivy and Hawthorn signs.
If you liked reading about your Rowan Celtic sign, you may also like:
February 18 – March 17
Those born under the Celtic tree astrology sign of the Ash are free thinkers. Imaginative, intuitive, and naturally artistic, you see the world in water-color purity. You have a tendency to moody and withdrawn at times, but that’s only because your inner landscape is in constant motion. You are in touch with your muse, and you are easily inspired by nature. Likewise, you inspire all that you associate with and people seek you out for your enchanting personality. Art, writing (especially poetry), science, and theology (spiritual matters) are areas that strongly interest you. Others may think you are reclusive, but in all honesty, you are simply immersed in your own world of fantastic vision and design. You are in a constant state of self-renewal and you rarely place a value on what others think about you. Ash signs partner well with Willow and Reed signs.
If you liked reading about your Ash Celtic sign, you may also like:
March 18 – April 14
If you are an Alder sign within the Celtic tree astrology system, you are a natural-born pathfinder. You’re a mover and a shaker, and will blaze a trail with fiery passion often gaining loyal followers to your cause. You are charming, gregarious and mingle easily with a broad mix of personalities. In other words, Alder signs get along with everybody and everybody loves to hang around with you. This might be because Alder’s are easily confident and have a strong self-faith. This self-assurances is infectious and other people recognize this quality in you instantly. Alder Celtic tree astrology signs are very focused and dislike waste. Consequently, they can see through superficialities and will not tolerate fluff. Alder people place high value on their time, and feel that wasting time is insufferable. They are motivated by action and results. Alder’s pair well with Hawthorns, Oaks or even Birch signs.
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April 15 – May 12
If you are a Willow sign, you are ruled by the moon, and so your personality holds hands with many of the mystical aspects of the lunar realm. This means you are highly creative, intuitive (highly psychicpeople are born under the sign of the Willow) and intelligent. You have a keen understanding of cycles, and you inherently know that every situation has a season. This gives you a realistic perspective of things, and also causes you to be more patient than most tree signs. With your intelligence comes a natural ability to retain knowledge and you often impress your company with the ability to expound on subjects from memory. Willow Celtic tree astrology signs are bursting with potential, but have a tendency to hold themselves back for fear of appearing flamboyant or overindulgent. It is your powers of perception that ultimately allow your true nature to shine, and what leads you to success in life. Willow signs join well with the Birch and the Ivy.
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Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Bull/Cow
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Bull/Cow
Hawthorn – The Illusionist
May 13 – June 9
Hawthorn signs in Celtic tree astrology are not at all what they appear to be. Outwardly, they appear to be a certain persona, while on the inside Hawthorn’s are quite different. They put the term “never judge a book by its cover” to the test. They live seemingly average lives while on the inside they carry fiery passions and inexhaustible creative flame. They are well adjusted and can adapt to most life situations well – making themselves content and comforting others at the same time. You are naturally curious, and have an interest in a broad range of topics. You are an excellent listener, and people seek you out as an outlet to release their burdens. You have a healthy sense of humor, and have a clear understanding of irony. You tend to see the big picture, and have amazing insight – although you typically won’t give yourself enough credit for your observations. Hawthorn signs match up nicely with Ash and Rowan’s.
May 13 – June 9
Hawthorn signs in Celtic tree astrology are not at all what they appear to be. Outwardly, they appear to be a certain persona, while on the inside Hawthorn’s are quite different. They put the term “never judge a book by its cover” to the test. They live seemingly average lives while on the inside they carry fiery passions and inexhaustible creative flame. They are well adjusted and can adapt to most life situations well – making themselves content and comforting others at the same time. You are naturally curious, and have an interest in a broad range of topics. You are an excellent listener, and people seek you out as an outlet to release their burdens. You have a healthy sense of humor, and have a clear understanding of irony. You tend to see the big picture, and have amazing insight – although you typically won’t give yourself enough credit for your observations. Hawthorn signs match up nicely with Ash and Rowan’s.
If you liked reading about your Hawthorn Celtic sign, you may also like:
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Seahorse here!
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Seahorse here!
“Every tree has its own strange and graceful legend attached to it.”
Oak – The Stabilizer
June 10 – July 7
Those born under the Celtic tree astrology sign of the Oak have a special gift of strength. They are protective people and often become a champion for those who do not have a voice. In other words, the Oak is the crusader and the spokesperson for the underdog. Nurturing, generous and helpful, you are a gentle giant among the Celtic zodiac signs. You exude an easy confidence and naturally assume everything will work out to a positive outcome. You have a deep respect for history and ancestry, and many people with this sign become teachers. You love to impart your knowledge of the past to others. Oak signs have a need for structure, and will often go to great lengths to gain the feeling of control in their lives. Healthy Oak signs live long, full, happy lives and enjoy large family settings and are likely to be involved with large social/community networks. Oak signs pair off well with the Ash and Reed, and are known to harmoniously join with Ivy signs too.
June 10 – July 7
Those born under the Celtic tree astrology sign of the Oak have a special gift of strength. They are protective people and often become a champion for those who do not have a voice. In other words, the Oak is the crusader and the spokesperson for the underdog. Nurturing, generous and helpful, you are a gentle giant among the Celtic zodiac signs. You exude an easy confidence and naturally assume everything will work out to a positive outcome. You have a deep respect for history and ancestry, and many people with this sign become teachers. You love to impart your knowledge of the past to others. Oak signs have a need for structure, and will often go to great lengths to gain the feeling of control in their lives. Healthy Oak signs live long, full, happy lives and enjoy large family settings and are likely to be involved with large social/community networks. Oak signs pair off well with the Ash and Reed, and are known to harmoniously join with Ivy signs too.
If you liked reading about your Oak Celtic sign, you may also like:
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Wren!
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Wren!
Holly – The Ruler
July 8 – August 4
Among the Celtic tree astrology signs the Holly is one of regal status. Noble, and high-minded, those born during the Holly era easily take on positions of leadership and power. If you are a Holly sign you take on challenges easily, and you overcome obstacles with rare skill and tact. When you encounter setbacks, you simply redouble your efforts and remain ever vigilant to obtain your end goals. Very seldom are you defeated. This is why many people look up to you and follow you as their leader. You are competitive and ambitious even in the most casual settings. You can appear to be arrogant but in actuality you’re just very confident in your abilities. Truth be known, you are quite generous, kind and affectionate (once people get to know you). Highly intelligent, you skate through academics where others may struggle. Because many things come to you so easily, you may have a tendency to rest on your laurels. In other words, if not kept active, you may slip into an unhealthy and lazy lifestyle. Holly signs may look to Ash and Elder signs for balance and partnership.
July 8 – August 4
Among the Celtic tree astrology signs the Holly is one of regal status. Noble, and high-minded, those born during the Holly era easily take on positions of leadership and power. If you are a Holly sign you take on challenges easily, and you overcome obstacles with rare skill and tact. When you encounter setbacks, you simply redouble your efforts and remain ever vigilant to obtain your end goals. Very seldom are you defeated. This is why many people look up to you and follow you as their leader. You are competitive and ambitious even in the most casual settings. You can appear to be arrogant but in actuality you’re just very confident in your abilities. Truth be known, you are quite generous, kind and affectionate (once people get to know you). Highly intelligent, you skate through academics where others may struggle. Because many things come to you so easily, you may have a tendency to rest on your laurels. In other words, if not kept active, you may slip into an unhealthy and lazy lifestyle. Holly signs may look to Ash and Elder signs for balance and partnership.
If you liked reading about your Holly Celtic Sign, you may also like:
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Horse!
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Horse!
Hazel – The Knower
August 5 – September 1
If you are born under the energy of the Hazel, you are highly intelligent, organized and efficient. Like the Holly, you are naturally gifted in academia, and excel in the classroom. You also have the ability to retain information and can recall, recite and expound on subjects you’ve memorized with amazing accuracy. You know your facts, and you are always well informed. This sometimes makes you appear like a know-it-all to others, but you can’t help that; you’re genuinely smart and usually know the right course of action because of your impressive knowledge base. You have an eye for detail, and like things to be “just so.” Sometimes this need for order and control can lead to compulsive behaviors if left unchecked. You have a knack for numbers, science and things that utilize your analytical skills. You like rules, although you are typically making them rather than playing by them. The Celtic tree astrology sign of Hazel joins harmoniously with Hawthorn and Rowan’s.
August 5 – September 1
If you are born under the energy of the Hazel, you are highly intelligent, organized and efficient. Like the Holly, you are naturally gifted in academia, and excel in the classroom. You also have the ability to retain information and can recall, recite and expound on subjects you’ve memorized with amazing accuracy. You know your facts, and you are always well informed. This sometimes makes you appear like a know-it-all to others, but you can’t help that; you’re genuinely smart and usually know the right course of action because of your impressive knowledge base. You have an eye for detail, and like things to be “just so.” Sometimes this need for order and control can lead to compulsive behaviors if left unchecked. You have a knack for numbers, science and things that utilize your analytical skills. You like rules, although you are typically making them rather than playing by them. The Celtic tree astrology sign of Hazel joins harmoniously with Hawthorn and Rowan’s.
If you liked reading about your Hazel Celtic Sign, you may also like:
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Salmon
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Salmon
Vine – The Equalizer
September 2 – September 29
Vine signs are born within the autumnal equinox, which makes your personality changeable and unpredictable. You can be full of contradictions, and are often indecisive. But this is because you can see both sides of the story, and empathize with each equally. It is hard for you to pick sides because you can see the good points on each end. There are, however, areas in your life that you are quite sure about. These include the finer things of life like food, wine, music, and art. You have very distinctive taste, and are a connoisseur of refinement. Luxury agrees with you, and under good conditions you have a Midas touch for turning drab into dramatic beauty. You are charming, elegant, and maintain a level of class that wins you esteem from a large fan base. Indeed, you often find yourself in public places where others can admire your classic style and poise. Vine signs pair well with Willow and Hazel signs.
September 2 – September 29
Vine signs are born within the autumnal equinox, which makes your personality changeable and unpredictable. You can be full of contradictions, and are often indecisive. But this is because you can see both sides of the story, and empathize with each equally. It is hard for you to pick sides because you can see the good points on each end. There are, however, areas in your life that you are quite sure about. These include the finer things of life like food, wine, music, and art. You have very distinctive taste, and are a connoisseur of refinement. Luxury agrees with you, and under good conditions you have a Midas touch for turning drab into dramatic beauty. You are charming, elegant, and maintain a level of class that wins you esteem from a large fan base. Indeed, you often find yourself in public places where others can admire your classic style and poise. Vine signs pair well with Willow and Hazel signs.
If you liked reading about your Vine Celtic Sign, you may also like:
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Swan!
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Swan!
Ivy – The Survivor
September 30 – October 27
Among other cherished qualities of the Ivy Celtic tree astrology sign, most prized is your ability to overcome all odds. You have a sharp intellect, but more obvious is your compassion and loyalty to others. You have a giving nature, and are always there to lend a helping hand. You are born at a time of the waning sun so life an be difficult for you at times. This sometimes seems unfair because it appears that obstacles are coming at with no prompting on your part. Nevertheless, you endure troubling times with silent perseverance and soulful grace. Indeed, Ivy signs have a tendency to be deeply spiritual and cling to a deep-rootedfaith that typically sees them trough adversity. You are soft spoken, but have a keen wit about you. You are charming, charismatic, and can effectively hold your own in most social settings. Ivy signs are attracted to the Celtic tree astology sign of Oak and Ash signs.
September 30 – October 27
Among other cherished qualities of the Ivy Celtic tree astrology sign, most prized is your ability to overcome all odds. You have a sharp intellect, but more obvious is your compassion and loyalty to others. You have a giving nature, and are always there to lend a helping hand. You are born at a time of the waning sun so life an be difficult for you at times. This sometimes seems unfair because it appears that obstacles are coming at with no prompting on your part. Nevertheless, you endure troubling times with silent perseverance and soulful grace. Indeed, Ivy signs have a tendency to be deeply spiritual and cling to a deep-rootedfaith that typically sees them trough adversity. You are soft spoken, but have a keen wit about you. You are charming, charismatic, and can effectively hold your own in most social settings. Ivy signs are attracted to the Celtic tree astology sign of Oak and Ash signs.
If you liked reading about your Ivy Celtic Sign, you may also like:
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Butterfly!
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Butterfly!
Reed – The Inquisitor
October 28 – November 24
Reed signs among the Celtic tree astrology signs are the secret keepers. You dig deep inside to the real meaning of things and discover the truth hidden beneath layers of distraction. When there is a need to get to the heart of the matter, most certainly the Reed sign will find the core. You love a good story, and can be easily drawn in by gossip, scandals, legend and lore. These tendencies also make you an excellent historian, journalist, detective or archaeologist. You love people because they represent a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. You are adept at coaxing people to talking to you, and sometimes you can be a bit manipulative. However, you have a strong sense of truth and honor so most of your scheming is harmless. Reed people join well with other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs.
October 28 – November 24
Reed signs among the Celtic tree astrology signs are the secret keepers. You dig deep inside to the real meaning of things and discover the truth hidden beneath layers of distraction. When there is a need to get to the heart of the matter, most certainly the Reed sign will find the core. You love a good story, and can be easily drawn in by gossip, scandals, legend and lore. These tendencies also make you an excellent historian, journalist, detective or archaeologist. You love people because they represent a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. You are adept at coaxing people to talking to you, and sometimes you can be a bit manipulative. However, you have a strong sense of truth and honor so most of your scheming is harmless. Reed people join well with other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs.
If you liked reading about your Reed Celtic sign, you may also like:
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Wolf!
Your Celtic Animal Sign, The Wolf!
Elder – The Seeker
November 25 – December 23
Elder archetypes among Celtic tree astrology tend to be freedom-loving, and sometimes appear to be a bit wild to the other signs of the zodiac. In younger years you may have lived life in the fast lane, often identified as a “thrill seeker.” At the time of your birth the light of the sun was fast fleeting and so you take the same cue from nature. You are often misjudged as an outsider as you have a tendency to be withdrawn in spite of your extroverted nature. In actuality, you are deeply thoughtful with philosophical bent. You also tend to be very considerate of others and genuinely strive to be helpful. These acts of assistance are sometimes thwarted by your brutal honestly (which you openly share solicited or otherwise). Elder Celtic tree astrology signs fit well with Alder’s and Holly’s.
November 25 – December 23
Elder archetypes among Celtic tree astrology tend to be freedom-loving, and sometimes appear to be a bit wild to the other signs of the zodiac. In younger years you may have lived life in the fast lane, often identified as a “thrill seeker.” At the time of your birth the light of the sun was fast fleeting and so you take the same cue from nature. You are often misjudged as an outsider as you have a tendency to be withdrawn in spite of your extroverted nature. In actuality, you are deeply thoughtful with philosophical bent. You also tend to be very considerate of others and genuinely strive to be helpful. These acts of assistance are sometimes thwarted by your brutal honestly (which you openly share solicited or otherwise). Elder Celtic tree astrology signs fit well with Alder’s and Holly’s.
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