Tarot Card: the Lovers
Make a potion blending cardamom (love and lust), carnation (strength, healing, fascination, and bonds affection), and columbine (love and courage). Cook it down and put a few drops on your pillow every night for five consecutive nights during the waxing moon. Best to let this culminate at the full moon.
Tarot Card : The Moon
During the next Full Moon, sit outside in the moonlight, just soaking in the energy. Then repeat, "I'm Ready for My Next Chapter to Begin!" three times, as you imagine letting go of any resistance in your mind or body. Just as night turns into day, your next phase will begin anew.
Tarot Card: The Empress
Try this ritual to move through obstacles with ease. Burn sandalwood incense and light a purple candle as you think about the things that stand in your way. When you feel ready, imagine a bright beam of blue energy coming down from the heavens and surrounding you in safety and love as you imagine all life's doors opening.
Tarot Card: Justice
The role of forgiveness is important for this righteous card. Encourage it by lighting one pink and one blue candle and then say: “It is time to forgive and forget. You will no longer be sad. Once again, you will be glad and grateful that we met.” Repeat this ritual as needed.
Tarot Card: High Priestess
Pay homage to the Earth's natural gifts by performing a ritual during the next Full Moon cycle. As you offer sage incense to the sky, repeat this chant three times: "Moon Goddess, please cleanse me from any negative energies around me, and heal my mind, body and spirit through your grace!" Then close your eyes and visualize the healing you'd like to receive.
Tarot Card: Emperor.
Red is the color of the Emperor. This color symbolizes action and assertion, so you can get what you want out of life. To make sure your intentions are followed with perfect action, try this practice. Sit in a cross-legged position on a mat or cushion, and meditate on your body. Then see a bright red light descending from the heavens to fill you up with strength and power. As your cells feel refreshed and renewed, close the ritual, knowing that your physical self is ready for action.
Tarot Card: Chariot.
You need to learn how to master your actions if you´ve drawn the Chariot card in this position. You seem to be enthusiastic and persevering, but you are missing the one element that can balance your actions and thus bring you success. Empower yourself by placing purple crystals inside a red cloth bag as you name each one of them with one of the characteristics you would like to enhance in your personality. Carry the bag with you on important days and to meetings.
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man
In the next New Moon phase, make a bath with one cup of sea salt and five drops of jasmine oil for purification. Soak in it, and like the Hanged Man, try to truly relax even if you feel surrounded by disturbing energies. Your spirit will then feel refreshed.
Tarot Card: The Fool
Dispel any naysayers or negative energies by burning a white candle. Carving your intention into it first (you can write it into the wax with a pen) puts you in touch with what's really important, so you can focus on that and let the rest go as the candle burns all the way down. This is the beginning of a new journey, so make sure your mind, body, and emotions are all working together to bring you what you want.
Tarot Card: Strength
The powerful energy of the Sun is behind the Strength card. If you want to bring more light, love, and laughter into your life, sit in a cross-legged position on a cushion or mat. As you breathe in, think about all that life is giving you. Get in touch with a deep well of gratitude within yourself. Then, as you breathe out, imagine all you want to let go of leaving you. Voila! You'll create instant change, and more of the good stuff you want.
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