I just took this test and got an interesting result! I got something that I never even heard of and now I'm going to look deeper into it and see what it's all about.
I felt that as I took this religious link, I tried to be as open as I could to all options. But I found myself continuously reverting back to me personal beliefs and ideologies. I will say that some of the choices really expanded my own personal way of thinking as I answered them truthfully. I ended up falling into the category of the religion I am already rooted in.
I just took this test and got an interesting result! I got something that I never even heard of and now I'm going to look deeper into it and see what it's all about.
I felt that as I took this religious link, I tried to be as open as I could to all options. But I found myself continuously reverting back to me personal beliefs and ideologies. I will say that some of the choices really expanded my own personal way of thinking as I answered them truthfully. I ended up falling into the category of the religion I am already rooted in.
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